
Search results

08 June, 2016


Some people can retain information just as easily via typing as they would when taking notes by hand, but studies have shown that the act of physically writing results in significantly more retention. The best of both worlds is now available in the Equil Digital & Ink Smartpen 2, allowing you to create, edit and share your ideas seamlessly between paper and digital. Now you can pick up your own with a $50 SmartMarker coupon bonus, all for 31% off.
With Equil’s smart stylus, you’re able to write or draw on any number of surfaces, from a Moleskine to a Post-It and everything in between. A wide range of colors and pen tips give you a world of creative options. Your work will instantly appear on your Android, iOS, Mac and Windows devices, with seamless accessibility. You can also save your files and sync to Dropbox, Evernote and iCloud for fully transferrable ideas in your digital ecosystem.

The Equil Digital & Ink Smartpen 2 is your perfect crossover solution. With a bonus $50 SmartMarker Coupon for taking your digital accessibility to even greater heights, your creative workflow flexibility awaits for just $129.95.

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