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29 June, 2016

iOS 10 Release Date & Time: 5 Things to Expect & 4 Things Not To

The iOS 10 update is confirmed and today we want to take an early look at a few things you can expect from the iOS 10 release date, time, and more.
While many consumers are still focused on the iPhone 6s and iOS 9 operating system, we expect that to change as we push away from WWDC 2016.
During its WWDC keynote, Apple confirmed its iOS 10 update for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. The company outlined many core features and released an iOS 10 beta ahead of a public release late on this year.

Apple also confirmed an iOS 10 release date window. The company plans to release the iOS 10 update for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch sometime this fall. A specific release date is out of reach.
We’ve been taking an early look at the iOS 10 update and today we want to take a closer look at the iOS 10 release for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.
We want to help set your expectations as we move into the summer months. These iOS 10 predictions will help you set your own expectations as we walk you through some of the things you can expect from the iOS 10 release date, iOS 10 beta, and more.

Expect the iOS 10 Release Date w/ the iPhone 7

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Expect the iOS 10 Release Date w/ the iPhone 7
The iOS 10 release date is confirmed for the fall but we Apple declined to announce a specific release date for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch users in the U.S. and around the world. 

A specific iOS 10 release date is difficult to predict but here are a few general things to expect from Apple's next big iOS release.
First, you can expect the iOS 10 release to coincide with the release of the next iPhone. Apple will almost certainly talk about iOS 10 on stage again during its annual iPhone launch event later this year. 
The iPhone 7 release date is rumored for the fall and Apple's taken a liking to that September release window, just ahead of the holidays. 
Don't be surprised if the iOS 10 beta period stretches from June until September with a final iOS 10 release date confirmed on stage during the iPhone 7 launch. Expect that date to fall a few days ahead of the iPhone 7 street date. 
At this point, our best guess is an iOS 10 release for current devices in mid-September followed by an iPhone 7 release in late September, similar to last year. 
Keep an eye out for iPhone 7/iOS 10 specific rumors as we push deeper into the year. 

Expect the Public iOS 10 Beta After July 4th

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Expect the Public iOS 10 Beta After July 4th

A public iOS 10 beta is confirmed.
The iOS 10 beta is now available but it's only available to those in the paid
 developer program. As expected, the public iOS 10 beta is delayed. 
The company says that it plans to release the public iOS 10 betasometime next month though it didn't confirm a specific date. Last year, the first public iOS 9 beta arrived on July 9th, after the July 4th weekend. 

Expect the public iOS 10 beta to mirror the developer beta though unlike the developer iOS 10 beta, the public beta will be free to try. 

Expect Many iOS 10 Betas

This is early software so it has the potential to wreck havoc on your device. iOS 10 beta is already causing serious problems for a number of 
people (we've heard about app crashes, reboots, weird battery drain, and lag to name a few). You can expect these problems, and others, to persist all the way up to the final release in the fall.
If you want to try iOS 10's features but you're feeling leery, you might want to wait for Apple to patch up some of these early problems in future iOS 10 betas. Performance should improve over time. 
We expect Apple to release a series of iOS 10 betas aimed at improving performance before the final release date. 
The company typically releases betas in two week intervals (sometimes shorter, sometimes longer) so you'll want to keep an eye out for new releases and the feedback that accompanies them. 
Each iOS 10 beta will come with few bugs solved.

Expect This From the iOS 10 Release Time

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Expect This From the iOS 10 Release Time
While it's difficult to predict the exact iOS 10 release date, it's actually pretty easy to outline the iOS 10 release time months ahead of time. 
Apple's iOS release dates vary but the release time typically stays the same. iOS updates almost always arrive around 10AM Pacific. This also goes for the iOS 10 beta updates Apple will release for iPhone, iPad and 
iPod touch.

Here's what that looks like for regions in the United States and countries around the world including Australia and Japan:
  • Eastern – 1 PM
  • Central – 12 PM
  • Mountain – 11AM
  • London – 6 PM
  • Moscow – 9 PM
  • New Dehli – 10:30 PM
  • Shanghai – 1 AM
  • Tokyo – 2 AM
  • Melbourne – 3 AM
  • Auckland – 5 AM


Expect Different iOS 10 Feature Sets

Apple's mobile devices will share more than a few iOS 10 features but you can expect there to be some major differences in the final product. 
Thanks to hardware limitations, iOS features sometimes skip older 

devices. For instance, iOS 9's Picture in Picture and Slide Over features 
are only available on iPad ProiPad Air or later, and iPad mini 2 or later. Another iOS 9 feature, the battery saving Facedown detection, is only supported on the iPhone 5s or later.
Earlier this year, Apple rolled out an iOS 9.3 update. One of iOS 9.3's exciting features was the sleep-saving Night Shift. Well, Night Shift is only available iPhone 5s or later, iPad Pro, iPad Air or later, iPad mini 2 or later, and iPod touch (6th generation).
As for iOS 10, we already know that at least one major feature, "Raise to Wake," will be exclusive to Apple's newer iPhone models. Developers note that the exciting feature might be limited to the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus. 
This probably won't be the only feature that gets left out of the change logs for older devices like the iPhone 5 and iPad 2.
If you own an older device like the iPad 2 or iPhone 5, your iOS 10 update probably won't be as feature rich as the iOS 10 updates for the iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus and others.

Don't Expect Early Public iOS 10 Beta Release Date Details

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Don't Expect Early Public iOS 10 Beta Release Date Details
There are also a few things you shouldn't expect from the iOS 10 betas
There are also a few things you shouldn't expect from the iOS 10 beta and iOS 10 release. 

First, don't expect Apple to confirm a public iOS 10 beta release date ahead of time. It'll probably come out of the blue like the rest of Apple's iOS 10 beta releases. 
Apple rarely gives out release date information ahead of time. Beta or otherwise.The only time it discusses concrete dates is on stage during its media events. 
Unless the company decides to host another event between now and the end of July, you can expect the first public iOS 10 beta to emerge without warning.

So, if you're interested, you'll want to keep an eye out at 10AM, Monday-Friday, once the month of July kicks off. Apple never releases updates on the weekend.


Don't Expect a Surprise iPhone 4s iOS 10 Update

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Don't Expect a Surprise iPhone 4s iOS 10 Update
Apple's iOS 10 beta is available for a number of well-known devices
including the iPad 2, a fossil from 2011. Unless something goes horribly wrong in testing, expect the iPad 2 to get the final build in the fall. 
There was, however, one old device that got left out. The iPhone 4s didn't get an iOS 10 beta, a sign that it probably won't get the final version when it's released later this year. 
Nothing is confirmed but the fact that it get left out of testing means that it'll probably stay behind on the iOS 9 update. 
Don't get your hopes up.kok

Don't Expect Early iOS 10 Beta Jailbreak 

Release Details

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Don't Expect Early iOS 10 Beta Jailbreak Release Details
If developers are able to cook up a working jailbreak for the iOS 10 beta, we'd expect the jailbreak to arrive weeks from now without any warning. 
Jailbreak developers are engaged in a constant game of cat and mouse with Apple's engineers and it's a game that Apple appears to be winning this time around.
Developers have teased a number of iOS 9 jailbreaks but we still haven't seen a public tool emerge for iOS 9.2 or any of Apple's iOS 9.3 updates. You have to be on iOS 9.1 or below to jailbreak. 
Anything is possible but given the lack of success with iOS 9, we aren't getting our hopes up for an imminent iOS 10 beta jailbreak.
At the earliest, we'd expect something to happen in July. Stay tuned. 

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