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06 June, 2016


The tumbleweed of jailbreak tweakscontinues to roll despite the long drought the community has been putting up with in the midst of a non-existent jailbreak for modern iOS firmware releases in recent months.
Nevertheless, we continue doing what we love to do here at iDB, and share with you what our favorite releases were this week. We’ll start first with our favorites, and then talk about the rest of this week’s releases.

Our favorite release this week

VolumePanel – $1.49

VolumePanel is our favorite jailbreak tweak release this week because it has the most useful functionality of all of this week’s tweaks releases.
Available in Cydia for $1.49, this tweak lets you configure the volume levels of each of your iOS device’s apps independently. It works with both stock and third-party apps installed on your device.
The tweak is accessed either by Control Center or with an Activator action, and the slider knobs are automatically colored based on the app icons for the respective apps.

Other releases this week

AutoGate: Auto simulation for Chronos Gate iOS game (free)

Mini vMac: Lets you emulate 68k-based Macintosh computers on iOS devices (free)
PersonalSpotlight: Offers features to configuring the look and feel of Spotlight 

Proton: A new music interface for iOS that utilizes a floating interface 

Rotary Lock Lite: Lets you use a combo lock interface to enter your passcode (free)
It seems pretty self-explanatory that the week has been pretty dry, but nevertheless, you can expect things will get exciting again whenever, and if ever, a new jailbreak drops.
Despite the recent tease of an unreleased jailbreakme-style jailbreak for iOS 9.3.x, we may still be a far way off from a fresh jailbreak, especially with WWDC 2016 coming up and many beta software updates just waiting to be released.
Just keep your fingers crossed and hope for the best. 

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